Welcome to The Spaw Training Center

Understanding Dog Training: A Guide for Owners

At The Spaw Training Center, our mission is to empower dog owners with the knowledge and skills needed to train their dogs effectively. Training your dog is not just about teaching commands; it’s about building a strong, trusting relationship with your furry friend. We are constantly monitoring our Stay’n’Play visitors and educating owners on training techniques when required.

Here’s what you need to know to get started:

The Importance of Dog Training

  1. Enhances Safety
    Training ensures your dog responds to commands, making it easier to keep them safe in various situations.
  2.  Strengthens Bond
    Through training, you and your dog learn to communicate better, fostering a stronger bond.
  3. Improves Behavior
    Proper training can address and prevent behavioral issues, leading to a happier home.

Key Principles of Effective Dog Training

  1. Consistency is Key
    Dogs thrive on routine and clear expectations. Consistent commands and rules help them understand what is expected.
  2.  Positive Reinforcement
    Reward-based training is more effective and humane. Praise, treats, and playtime are great motivators.
  3. Patience and Persistence
    Training takes time. Be patient and persistent, and celebrate small victories.

Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know

  1. Sit
    A foundational command that can help manage your dog’s behavior in various situations.
  2. Stay
    Crucial for keeping your dog in place and out of harm’s way.
  3. Come
    Ensures your dog returns to you, essential for safety and control.
  4. Down
    Helps in calming your dog and asserting control.
  5.  Leave It
    Teaches your dog to ignore distractions or potentially harmful objects.

Common Training Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Inconsistency
    Mixed signals confuse your dog and hinder progress.
  2. Punishment
    Negative reinforcement can lead to fear and aggression. Focus on positive reinforcement instead.
  3. Unrealistic Expectations
    Every dog learns at their own pace. Don’t rush the process.

Advanced Training and Fun Activities

Once your dog has mastered the basics, consider exploring advanced training techniques and fun activities like agility training, scent work, and trick training. These not only challenge your dog mentally and physically but also strengthen your bond.

Pricing Table

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Group session – 60 mins


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Individual session – 60 mins


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4 x Group session – 60 mins


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5 x Group session – 60 mins


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Puppy Training – 45 mins
